- dependencyAnalyze
bool[Path] dependencyAnalyze(Database db, FilesysIO fio)
- isFileSupported
bool isFileSupported(FilesysIO fio, AbsolutePath p)
Only utf-8 files are supported
- isPathInsideAnyRoot
bool isPathInsideAnyRoot(AbsolutePath[] roots, AbsolutePath f)
- printLostMarkings
void printLostMarkings(MarkedMutant[] lostMutants)
Prints a marked mutant that has become lost due to rerun of analyze
- runAnalyzer
ExitStatusType runAnalyzer(AbsolutePath dbPath, MutationKind[] userKinds, ConfigAnalyze analyzeConf, ConfigCompiler compilerConf, ConfigSchema schemaConf, ConfigCoverage covConf, ParsedCompileCommandRange frange, ValidateLoc valLoc, FilesysIO fio)
Analyze the files in frange for mutations.
- spawnAnalyzer
auto spawnAnalyzer(AnalyzeActor.Impl self, FlowControlActor.Address flowCtrl, StoreActor.Address storeAddr, Mutation.Kind[] kinds, ParsedCompileCommand fileToAnalyze, ValidateLoc vloc, FilesysIO fio, AnalyzeConfig conf)
Start an analyze of a file
- spawnStoreActor
auto spawnStoreActor(StoreActor.Impl self, FlowControlActor.Address flowCtrl, RefCounted!(Database) db, StoreConfig conf, FilesysIO fio, Path[] rootFiles)
Store the result of the analyze.
- spawnTestPathActor
auto spawnTestPathActor(TestPathActor.Impl self, StoreActor.Address store, AbsolutePath[] userPaths, GlobFilter matcher, FilesysIO fio)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toAbsolutePath
Optional!AbsolutePath toAbsolutePath(Path file, AbsolutePath workDir, ParseFlags.Include[] includes, SystemIncludePath[] systemIncludes)
Convert to an absolute path by finding the first match among the compiler flags
- updateMarkedMutants
void updateMarkedMutants(Database db)
Update the connection between the marked mutants and their mutation status
id and mutation id.
- updateSchemaQ
auto updateSchemaQ(Database db)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- updateSchemaSizeQ
auto updateSchemaSizeQ(Database db, long userInit, long minSize)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.