Basic activity.
Add a condition.
Call the module to add text.
Start a diagram.
Stop an diagram.
Add an else if statement without any type safety reflected in D.
Type unsafe else.
Type unsafe endif.
Add an if statement without any type safety reflected in D.
Access to self.
An empty node holdig other nodes.
Make a Comment followed by a separator.
Make a raw Text.
A basic building block with no content.
Make a statement with an optional separator.
Make a suite/block as a child of "this" with an optional separator.
Set indent suppression from this point and all children.
Suppress indentation by also affecting the level propagated from the parent.
Sets the width of the indentation
Clear the node of childrens.
Separate with at most count empty lines.
Insert element at the front.
Insert element at the back.
Remove all children and clear line separation.
Render content with an indentation that takes the parent in consideration.
Semantic representation in D for Activity Diagrams.
The syntax of the activity diagrams is the one that as of plantuml-8045 is marked as "beta".