1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020, Joakim Brännström. All rights reserved.
3 License: MPL-2
4 Author: Joakim Brännström (joakim.brannstrom@gmx.com)
6 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
7 v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
8 one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 */
10 module dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.report.html.page_stats;
12 import logger = std.experimental.logger;
13 import std.datetime : Clock, dur;
14 import std.format : format;
16 import arsd.dom : Element, Link;
18 import dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.database : Database;
19 import dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.report.analyzers : MutationStat,
20     reportStatistics, reportSyncStatus, SyncStatus;
21 import dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.report.html.constants;
22 import dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.report.html.tmpl : tmplDefaultTable,
23     PieGraph, TimeScalePointGraph;
24 import dextool.plugin.mutate.backend.type : Mutation;
26 void makeStats(ref Database db, string tag, Element root, const(Mutation.Kind)[] kinds) @trusted {
27     DashboardCss.h2(root.addChild(new Link(tag, null)).setAttribute("id", tag[1 .. $]), "Overview");
28     overallStat(reportStatistics(db, kinds), root.addChild("div"));
29     syncStatus(reportSyncStatus(db, kinds, 100), root);
30 }
32 private:
34 // TODO: this function contains duplicated logic from the one in ../utility.d
35 void overallStat(const MutationStat s, Element base) {
36     import std.conv : to;
37     import std.typecons : tuple;
39     base.addChild("p").appendHtml(format("Mutation Score <b>%.3s</b>", s.score));
40     base.addChild("p", format("Time spent: %s", s.totalTime));
42     if (s.untested > 0 && s.predictedDone > 0.dur!"msecs") {
43         const pred = Clock.currTime + s.predictedDone;
44         base.addChild("p", format("Remaining: %s (%s)", s.predictedDone, pred.toISOExtString));
45     }
47     PieGraph("score", [
48             PieGraph.Item("alive", "red", s.alive),
49             PieGraph.Item("killed", "green", s.killed),
50             PieGraph.Item("Untested", "grey", s.untested),
51             PieGraph.Item("Timeout", "lightgreen", s.timeout)
52             ]).html(base, PieGraph.Width(50));
54     auto tbl = tmplDefaultTable(base, ["Type", "Value"]);
55     foreach (const d; [
56             tuple("Total", s.total),
57             tuple("Killed by compiler", cast(long) s.killedByCompiler),
58             tuple("Skipped", s.skipped), tuple("Equivalent", s.equivalent),
59             tuple("Worklist", cast(long) s.worklist),
60         ]) {
61         tbl.appendRow(d[0], d[1]);
62     }
64     base.addChild("p").appendHtml(
65             "<i>worklist</i> is the number of mutants that are in the queue to be tested/retested.");
67     if (s.aliveNoMut != 0) {
68         tbl.appendRow("NoMut", s.aliveNoMut.to!string);
69         tbl.appendRow("NoMut/total", format("%.3s", s.suppressedOfTotal));
71         auto p = base.addChild("p", "NoMut is the number of mutants that are alive but ignored.");
72         p.appendHtml(" They are <i>suppressed</i>.");
73         p.appendText(" This result in those mutants increasing the mutation score.");
74         p.appendText(" The suppressed/total is how much it has increased.");
75         p.appendHtml(" You <b>should</b> react if it is high.");
76     }
77 }
79 void syncStatus(SyncStatus status, Element root) {
80     auto ts = TimeScalePointGraph("SyncStatus");
82     ts.put("Test", TimeScalePointGraph.Point(status.test, 1.6));
83     ts.setColor("Test", "lightBlue");
85     ts.put("Code", TimeScalePointGraph.Point(status.code, 1.4));
86     ts.setColor("Code", "lightGreen");
88     ts.put("Coverage", TimeScalePointGraph.Point(status.coverage, 1.2));
89     ts.setColor("Coverage", "purple");
91     if (status.mutants.length != 0) {
92         double y = 0.8;
93         foreach (v; status.mutants) {
94             ts.put("Mutant", TimeScalePointGraph.Point(v.updated, y));
95             y += 0.3 / status.mutants.length;
96         }
97         ts.setColor("Mutant", "red");
98     }
99     ts.html(root, TimeScalePointGraph.Width(50));
101     root.addChild("p").appendHtml("<i>sync status</i> is how old the information about mutants and their status is compared to when the tests or source code where last changed");
102 }