1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017, Joakim Brännström. All rights reserved.
3 License: MPL-2
4 Author: Joakim Brännström (joakim.brannstrom@gmx.com)
6 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
7 v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
8 one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 */
10 module dextool.plugin.fuzzer.backend.interface_;
12 import dsrcgen.cpp : CppModule, CppHModule;
14 import cpptooling.type : CustomHeader;
15 import dextool.io : WriteStrategy;
16 import dextool.type : DextoolVersion, Path;
18 /** Control various aspects of the analyze and generation like what nodes to
19  * process.
20  */
21 @safe interface Controller {
22     /// Query the controller with the filename of the symbol for a decision
23     /// if it shall be processed.
24     bool doSymbolAtLocation(const string filename, const string symbol);
26     /** Query the controller for a decision if it shall be processed. */
27     bool doSymbol(string symbol);
28 }
30 /** Transformations that are governed by user input or other factors the
31  * backend is unaware of.
32  */
33 @safe interface Transform {
34     /// Returns: the transformed name to a filename suitable for a header.
35     Path createHeaderFile(string name);
37     /// Returns: the transformed name to a filename suitable for an implementation.
38     Path createImplFile(string name);
40     /// Returns: path where to write the raw initial corpora for fuzzing
41     /// based on the number of total parameters.
42     Path createFuzzyDataFile(string name);
44     /// Returns: path for xml config to be written to.
45     Path createXmlConfigFile(string name);
47     /// Returns: A unique filename.
48     Path createFuzzCase(string name, ulong id);
49 }
51 /// Static parameters that are not changed while the backend is working.
52 @safe interface Parameter {
53     /// Dextool Tool version.
54     DextoolVersion getToolVersion();
56     /// Custom header to prepend generated files with.
57     CustomHeader getCustomHeader();
58 }
60 /// Data produced by the generator like files.
61 @safe interface Product {
62     /** Data pushed from the generator to be written to files.
63      *
64      * The put value is the code generation tree. It allows the caller of
65      * Generator to inject more data in the tree before writing. For example a
66      * custom header.
67      *
68      * Params:
69      *   fname = file the content is intended to be written to.
70      *   hdr_data = data to write to the file.
71      */
72     void putFile(Path fname, CppHModule data);
74     /// ditto.
75     void putFile(Path fname, CppModule data, WriteStrategy strategy = WriteStrategy.overwrite);
77     /// Raw data to be written.
78     void putFile(Path fname, const(ubyte)[] data);
80     /// Raw data to be written.
81     void putFile(Path fname, string data, WriteStrategy strategy = WriteStrategy.overwrite);
82 }