1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Joakim Brännström. All rights reserved.
3 License: MPL-2
4 Author: Joakim Brännström (joakim.brannstrom@gmx.com)
6 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
7 v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
8 one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 */
10 module libclang_ast.ast.nodes;
12 string makeNodeClassName(string s) {
13     import std..string;
15     return s[0 .. 1].toUpper ~ s[1 .. $];
16 }
18 // dfmt off
19 immutable string[] TranslationUnitSeq = [
20     "translationUnit"
21     ];
22 // dfmt on
24 // dfmt off
25 immutable string[] ExtraSeq = [
26     "moduleImportDecl",
27     "typeAliasTemplateDecl",
28     "staticAssert",
29     "friendDecl",
30     ];
31 // dfmt on
33 // dfmt off
34 immutable string[] AttributeSeq = [
35     "unexposedAttr",
36     "ibActionAttr",
37     "ibOutletAttr",
38     "ibOutletCollectionAttr",
39     "cxxFinalAttr",
40     "cxxOverrideAttr",
41     "annotateAttr",
42     "asmLabelAttr",
43     "packedAttr",
44     "pureAttr",
45     "constAttr",
46     "noDuplicateAttr",
47     "cudaConstantAttr",
48     "cudaDeviceAttr",
49     "cudaGlobalAttr",
50     "cudaHostAttr",
51     "cudaSharedAttr",
52     "visibilityAttr",
53     "dllExport",
54     "dllImport",
55     ];
57 // dfmt on
59 // dfmt off
60 immutable string[] DeclarationSeq = [
61     "unexposedDecl",
62     "structDecl",
63     "unionDecl",
64     "classDecl",
65     "enumDecl",
66     "fieldDecl",
67     "enumConstantDecl",
68     "functionDecl",
69     "varDecl",
70     "parmDecl",
71     "objCInterfaceDecl",
72     "objCCategoryDecl",
73     "objCProtocolDecl",
74     "objCPropertyDecl",
75     "objCIvarDecl",
76     "objCInstanceMethodDecl",
77     "objCClassMethodDecl",
78     "objCImplementationDecl",
79     "objCCategoryImplDecl",
80     "typedefDecl",
81     "cxxMethod",
82     "namespace",
83     "linkageSpec",
84     "constructor",
85     "destructor",
86     "conversionFunction",
87     "templateTypeParameter",
88     "nonTypeTemplateParameter",
89     "templateTemplateParameter",
90     "functionTemplate",
91     "classTemplate",
92     "classTemplatePartialSpecialization",
93     "namespaceAlias",
94     "usingDirective",
95     "typeAliasDecl",
96     "objCSynthesizeDecl",
97     "objCDynamicDecl",
98     "cxxAccessSpecifier",
99     ];
100 // dfmt on
102 // dfmt off
103 immutable string[] DirectiveSeq = [
104     "ompParallelDirective",
105     "ompSimdDirective",
106     "ompForDirective",
107     "ompSectionsDirective",
108     "ompSectionDirective",
109     "ompSingleDirective",
110     "ompParallelForDirective",
111     "ompParallelSectionsDirective",
112     "ompTaskDirective",
113     "ompMasterDirective",
114     "ompCriticalDirective",
115     "ompTaskyieldDirective",
116     "ompBarrierDirective",
117     "ompTaskwaitDirective",
118     "ompFlushDirective",
119     "ompOrderedDirective",
120     "ompAtomicDirective",
121     "ompForSimdDirective",
122     "ompParallelForSimdDirective",
123     "ompTargetDirective",
124     "ompTeamsDirective",
125     "ompTaskgroupDirective",
126     "ompCancellationPointDirective",
127     "ompCancelDirective",
128     "ompTargetDataDirective",
129     "ompTaskLoopDirective",
130     "ompTaskLoopSimdDirective",
131     "ompDistributeDirective",
132     "ompTargetEnterDataDirective",
133     "ompTargetExitDataDirective",
134     "ompTargetParallelDirective",
135     "ompTargetParallelForDirective",
136     "ompTargetUpdateDirective",
137     "ompDistributeParallelForDirective",
138     "ompDistributeParallelForSimdDirective",
139     "ompDistributeSimdDirective",
140     "ompTargetParallelForSimdDirective",
141     "ompTargetSimdDirective",
142     "ompTeamsDistributeDirective",
143     "ompTeamsDistributeSimdDirective",
144     "ompTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective",
145     "ompTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective",
146     "ompTargetTeamsDirective",
147     "ompTargetTeamsDistributeDirective",
148     "ompTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective",
149     "ompTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective",
150     "ompTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective",
151     ];
152 // dfmt on
154 // dfmt off
155 immutable string[] ExpressionSeq = [
156     "unexposedExpr",
157     "declRefExpr",
158     "memberRefExpr",
159     "callExpr",
160     "objCMessageExpr",
161     "blockExpr",
162     "integerLiteral",
163     "floatingLiteral",
164     "imaginaryLiteral",
165     "stringLiteral",
166     "characterLiteral",
167     "parenExpr",
168     "unaryOperator",
169     "arraySubscriptExpr",
170     "binaryOperator",
171     "compoundAssignOperator",
172     "conditionalOperator",
173     "cStyleCastExpr",
174     "compoundLiteralExpr",
175     "initListExpr",
176     "addrLabelExpr",
177     "stmtExpr",
178     "genericSelectionExpr",
179     "gnuNullExpr",
180     "cxxStaticCastExpr",
181     "cxxDynamicCastExpr",
182     "cxxReinterpretCastExpr",
183     "cxxConstCastExpr",
184     "cxxFunctionalCastExpr",
185     "cxxTypeidExpr",
186     "cxxBoolLiteralExpr",
187     "cxxNullPtrLiteralExpr",
188     "cxxThisExpr",
189     "cxxThrowExpr",
190     "cxxNewExpr",
191     "cxxDeleteExpr",
192     "unaryExpr",
193     "objCStringLiteral",
194     "objCEncodeExpr",
195     "objCSelectorExpr",
196     "objCProtocolExpr",
197     "objCBridgedCastExpr",
198     "packExpansionExpr",
199     "sizeOfPackExpr",
200     "lambdaExpr",
201     "objCBoolLiteralExpr",
202     "objCSelfExpr",
203     "ompArraySectionExpr",
204     "objCAvailabilityCheckExpr",
205     ];
206 // dfmt on
208 // dfmt off
209 immutable string[] PreprocessorSeq = [
210     "preprocessingDirective",
211     "macroDefinition",
212     "macroExpansion",
213     // Overlaps with MacroExpansion
214     //CXCursor_MacroInstantiation,
215     "inclusionDirective",
216 ];
217 // dfmt on
219 // dfmt off
220 immutable string[] ReferenceSeq = [
221     "objCSuperClassRef",
222     "objCProtocolRef",
223     "objCClassRef",
224     "typeRef",
225     "cxxBaseSpecifier",
226     "templateRef",
227     "namespaceRef",
228     "memberRef",
229     "labelRef",
230     "overloadedDeclRef",
231     "variableRef",
232 ];
233 // dfmt on
235 // dfmt off
236 immutable string[] StatementSeq = [
237     "unexposedStmt",
238     "labelStmt",
239     "compoundStmt",
240     "caseStmt",
241     "defaultStmt",
242     "ifStmt",
243     "switchStmt",
244     "whileStmt",
245     "doStmt",
246     "forStmt",
247     "gotoStmt",
248     "indirectGotoStmt",
249     "continueStmt",
250     "breakStmt",
251     "returnStmt",
252     // overlaps with AsmStmt
253     //CXCursor_GCCAsmStmt,
254     "asmStmt",
255     "objCAtTryStmt",
256     "objCAtCatchStmt",
257     "objCAtFinallyStmt",
258     "objCAtThrowStmt",
259     "objCAtSynchronizedStmt",
260     "objCAutoreleasePoolStmt",
261     "objCForCollectionStmt",
262     "cxxCatchStmt",
263     "cxxTryStmt",
264     "cxxForRangeStmt",
265     "sehTryStmt",
266     "sehExceptStmt",
267     "sehFinallyStmt",
268     "msAsmStmt",
269     "nullStmt",
270     "declStmt",
271     "sehLeaveStmt",
272     ];
273 // dfmt on