
Undocumented in source.
auto plantuml_opt = Tuple!(string, "usage", string, "optional", string, "others")("usage: dextool uml [options] [--compile-db=...] [--file-exclude=...] [--in=...] [--] [CFLAGS...] dextool uml [options] [--compile-db=...] [--file-include=...] [--in=...] [--] [CFLAGS...]", " --out=dir directory for generated files [default: ./] --file-prefix=p Prefix used when generating test artifacts [default: view_] --class-method Include methods in the generated class diagram --class-paramdep Class method parameters as directed association in diagram --class-inheritdep Class inheritance in diagram --class-memberdep Class member as composition/aggregation in diagram --comp-by-file Components by file instead of directory --comp-strip=r Regex used to strip path used to derive component name --gen-style-incl Generate a style file and include in all diagrams --gen-dot Generate a dot graph block in the plantuml output --skip-file-error Skip files that result in compile errors (only when using compile-db and processing all files)", "others: --in= Input files to parse --compile-db=j Retrieve compilation parameters from the file --file-exclude= Exclude files from generation matching the regex --file-include= Include the scope of the test double to those files matching the regex REGEX The regex syntax is found at Information about --file-exclude. The regex must fully match the filename the AST node is located in. If it matches all data from the file is excluded from the generated code. Information about --file-include. The regex must fully match the filename the AST node is located in. Only symbols from files matching the include affect the generated test double. ");
