
A cursor representing some element in the abstract syntax tree for a translation unit.

The cursor abstraction unifies the different kinds of entities in a program--declaration, statements, expressions, references to declarations, etc.--under a single "cursor" abstraction with a common set of operations. Common operation for a cursor include: getting the physical location in a source file where the cursor points, getting the name associated with a cursor, and retrieving cursors for any child nodes of a particular cursor.

Cursors can be produced in two specific ways. clang_getTranslationUnitCursor() produces a cursor for a translation unit, from which one can use clang_visitChildren() to explore the rest of the translation unit. clang_getCursor() maps from a physical source location to the entity that resides at that location, allowing one to map from the source code into the AST.



const(void)*[3] data;
Undocumented in source.
CXCursorKind kind;
Undocumented in source.
int xdata;
Undocumented in source.
