\param Comment a \c CXComment_TParamCommand AST node.
\returns zero-based parameter index in the template parameter list at a
given nesting depth.
For example,
template<typename C, template<typename T> class TT>
void test(TT<int> aaa);
for C and TT nesting depth is 0, so we can ask for index at depth 0:
at depth 0 C's index is 0, TT's index is 1.
For T nesting depth is 1, so we can ask for index at depth 0 and 1:
at depth 0 T's index is 1 (same as TT's),
at depth 1 T's index is 0.
\param Comment a \c CXComment_TParamCommand AST node.
\returns zero-based parameter index in the template parameter list at a given nesting depth.
For example, \verbatim template<typename C, template<typename T> class TT> void test(TT<int> aaa); \endverbatim for C and TT nesting depth is 0, so we can ask for index at depth 0: at depth 0 C's index is 0, TT's index is 1.
For T nesting depth is 1, so we can ask for index at depth 0 and 1: at depth 0 T's index is 1 (same as TT's), at depth 1 T's index is 0.