UnitTestException on failure
1 class Foo 2 { 3 this(int i) { this.i = i; } 4 override string toString() const 5 { 6 import std.conv: to; 7 return i.to!string; 8 } 9 int i; 10 } 11 12 shouldNotBeNull(new Foo(4)); 13 assertFail(shouldNotBeNull(null)); 14 shouldEqual(new Foo(5), new Foo(5)); 15 assertFail(shouldEqual(new Foo(5), new Foo(4))); 16 shouldNotEqual(new Foo(5), new Foo(4)) ; 17 assertFail(shouldNotEqual(new Foo(5), new Foo(5)));
Verify that the value is not null.