1 Args args; 2 args ~= Path(`some/big path/here/foobar`); 3 args ~= "-A"; 4 args ~= "--bcd"; 5 args ~= "Hello World"; 6 args ~= Path("file.ext"); 7 8 // On windows: 9 assert(args.data == `"some\big path\here\foobar" -A --bcd "Hello World" file.ext`); 10 // On linux: 11 assert(args.data == `'some/big path/here/foobar' -A --bcd 'Hello World' file.ext`);
Much like std.array.Appender!string, but specifically geared towards building a command string out of arguments. String and Path can both be appended. All elements added will automatically be escaped, and separated by spaces, as necessary.