Value | Meaning |
none | the kind is not initialized thus can only ignore the point |
rorLT | Relational operator replacement |
rorLE | |
rorGT | |
rorGE | |
rorEQ | |
rorNE | |
lcrAnd | Logical connector replacement |
lcrOr | |
aorMul | Arithmetic operator replacement |
aorDiv | |
aorRem | |
aorAdd | |
aorSub | |
aorMulAssign | |
aorDivAssign | |
aorRemAssign | |
aorAddAssign | |
aorSubAssign | |
uoiPostInc | Unary operator insert on an lvalue |
uoiPostDec | |
uoiPreInc | |
uoiPreDec | |
uoiAddress | |
uoiIndirection | |
uoiPositive | |
uoiNegative | |
uoiComplement | |
uoiNegation | |
uoiSizeof_ | |
absPos | Absolute value replacement |
absNeg | |
absZero | |
stmtDel | statement deletion |
corAnd | Conditional Operator Replacement (reduced set) |
corOr | |
corFalse | |
corLhs | |
corRhs | |
corEQ | |
corNE | |
corTrue | |
rorTrue | Relational operator replacement |
rorFalse | |
dccTrue | Decision/Condition Coverage |
dccFalse | |
dccBomb | |
dcrCaseDel | Decision/Condition Requirement |
rorpLT | Relational operator replacement for pointers |
rorpLE | |
rorpGT | |
rorpGE | |
rorpEQ | |
rorpNE | |
lcrbAnd | Logical Operator Replacement Bit-wise (lcrb) |
lcrbOr | |
lcrbAndAssign | |
lcrbOrAssign |
States what kind of mutations that can be performed on this mutation point.