struct Database {
sqlDatabase* db;
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Copying this object is disabled.
A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- getFiles
Path[] getFiles()
- getSurroundingTestCases
TestCase[] getSurroundingTestCases(const MutationId id)
- getTestCases
TestCase[] getTestCases(const MutationId id)
- isAnalyzed
bool isAnalyzed(const Path p)
If the file has already been analyzed.
- isAnalyzed
bool isAnalyzed(const Path p, const Checksum cs)
If the file has already been analyzed.
- put
void put(const(MutationPointEntry)[] mps, AbsolutePath rel_dir)
Save mutation points found in a specific file.
- removeFile
void removeFile(const Path p)
Remove the file with all mutations that are coupled to it.
- removeMutant
void removeMutant(const Mutation.Kind[] kinds)
Remove all mutations of kinds.
- resetMutant
void resetMutant(const Mutation.Kind[] kinds, Mutation.Status st, Mutation.Status to_st)
Reset all mutations of kinds with the status st to unknown.
- updateMutation
void updateMutation(const MutationId id, const Mutation.Status st, const Duration d, const(TestCase)[] tcs)
Update the status of a mutant.
- updateMutationBroadcast
void updateMutationBroadcast(const MutationId id, const Mutation.Status st, const Duration d, const(TestCase)[] tcs, const(Mutation.Kind)[] bcast)
Update the status of a mutant and broadcast the status to other mutants at that point.
- updateMutationTestCases
void updateMutationTestCases(const MutationId id, const(TestCase)[] tcs)
Add a link between the mutation and what test case killed it.
- make
auto make(string db)
Create a database by either opening an existing or initializing a new.
Database wrapper with minimal dependencies.