\brief Deserialize a set of diagnostics from a Clang diagnostics bitcode
\param file The name of the file to deserialize.
\param error A pointer to a enum value recording if there was a problem
deserializing the diagnostics.
\param errorString A pointer to a CXString for recording the error string
if the file was not successfully loaded.
\returns A loaded CXDiagnosticSet if successful, and NULL otherwise. These
diagnostics should be released using clang_disposeDiagnosticSet().
\brief Deserialize a set of diagnostics from a Clang diagnostics bitcode file.
\param file The name of the file to deserialize. \param error A pointer to a enum value recording if there was a problem deserializing the diagnostics. \param errorString A pointer to a CXString for recording the error string if the file was not successfully loaded.
\returns A loaded CXDiagnosticSet if successful, and NULL otherwise. These diagnostics should be released using clang_disposeDiagnosticSet().