struct TranslationUnit {
ContainTU cx;
Copying this object is disabled.
A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- cursor
Cursor cursor [@property getter]
Trusted: on the assumption that the LLVM team is superb programmers.
- diagnostics
DiagnosticVisitor diagnostics [@property getter]
Trusted: on the assumption that accessing the payload of the refcounted
TranslationUnit is @safe.
- parse
TranslationUnit parse(ref Index index, string sourceFilename, string[] commandLineArgs, CXUnsavedFile[] unsavedFiles = null, uint options = CXTranslationUnit_Flags.detailedPreprocessingRecord)
Trusted: on the assumption that clang_parseTranslationUnit is
implemented by the LLVM team.
- parseString
TranslationUnit parseString(ref Index index, string source, string[] commandLineArgs, CXUnsavedFile[] unsavedFiles = null, uint options = CXTranslationUnit_Flags.detailedPreprocessingRecord)
Convenient function to create a TranslationUnit from source code via a
A single translation unit, which resides in an index.