
Create an instance.

The binary dextool has clang specified headers attached. Those are feed to the VFS and used when the flag useInternalHeaders is "yes". To make them accessable a "-I" parameter with their in-memory location is supplied to all instantiated translation units.

TODO from llvm-6.0 -fsyntax-only is default and ignored. The functionality to prepend with -fsyntax-only should thus be removed.

  1. this()
  2. this(Flag!"useInternalHeaders" useInternalHeaders, Flag!"prependParamSyntaxOnly" prependParamSyntaxOnly)
    struct ClangContext
    Flag!"useInternalHeaders" useInternalHeaders
    Flag!"prependParamSyntaxOnly" prependParamSyntaxOnly


useInternalHeaders Flag!"useInternalHeaders"

load the VFS with in-memory system headers.

prependParamSyntaxOnly Flag!"prependParamSyntaxOnly"

prepend the flag -fsyntax-only to instantiated translation units.
