1 /++
2 Scriptlike_Changelog:
4 The latest version of this changelog is always available at:$(BR)
5 $(LINK http://semitwist.com/scriptlike/changelog.html)
7 (Dates below are YYYY/MM/DD)
9 $(H2 v0.10.3 - TBD)
11 $(UL
12 	$(CHANGE
13 		Fixed deprecations for DMD 2.075+ and 2.079+. Dropped support for LDC 0.15.1.
14 	)
15 )
17 $(H2 v0.10.2 - 2017/03/03)
19 $(UL
21 		Added $(API_CORE trace) functions as debugging aid. Outputs
22 		file/line info and optionally a variable name/value.
23 	)
25 		Added $(API_FILE_EXTR isUserExec), $(API_FILE_EXTR isGroupExec)
26 		and $(API_FILE_EXTR isWorldExec) to check a file's executable bits on Posix.
27 	)
28 	$(FIXED
29 		$(ISSUE 34): Unable to build docs of own project with DUB.
30 	)
31 	$(FIXED
32 		Make sure the example tests, when run in travis-ci, always use
33 		the current scriptlike commit, instead of using a scriptlike release
34 		from the published dub repos.
35 	)
36 	$(FIXED
37 		Docs weren't being correctly built for $(API_FILE_WRAP symlink),
38 		$(API_FILE_WRAP readLink), $(API_FILE_WRAP getTimesWin) and $(API_FILE_EXTR trySymlink).
39 	)
40 	$(CHANGE
41 		Removed outdated, messy and problematic "plain script" example.
42 	)
43 )
45 $(H2 v0.10.1 - 2017/02/25)
47 $(UL
48 	$(FIXED
49 		Fix some minor doc and travis-ci issues with v0.10.0's release.
50 	)
51 )
53 $(H2 v0.10.0 - 2017/02/25)
55 $(UL
56 	$(CHANGE
57 		$(ISSUE 33): Rename `Path.toRawString` to `Path.raw`.
58 	)
59 	$(CHANGE
60 		Deprecated `Ext.toRawString`. It didn't do anything
61 		different from `Ext.toString` and thus wasn't needed.
62 	)
63 	$(FIXED
64 		$(ISSUE 19): Compile error with DMDFE 2.065. Note, Scriptlike
65 		still $(I officially) requires at least DMDFE 2.066, mainly because
66 		of a bugfix for Windows, but DMDFE 2.065 appears to still be
67 		important for Debian's GDC.
68 	)
69 	$(FIXED
70 		Excess blank lines and malformed `</p><p>` in this changelog.
71 	)
72 )
74 $(H2 v0.9.7 - 2017/01/23)
76 $(UL
78 		Docs/Examples: Now recommend DUB v1.0.0+'s single-file package support,
79 		and test the provided example.
80 	)
81 	$(FIXED
82 		$(ISSUE 31): Deprecation warnings on DMD 2.072 and up.
83 	)
84 )
86 $(H2 v0.9.6 - 2016/05/28)
88 (Note: This was going to be v0.9.5, but the release got borked, so it's released as v0.9.6 instead.)
90 $(UL
91 	$(FIXED
92 		$(ISSUE 26): Deprecation warnings on DMD 2.070 and 2.071.
93 	)
94 	$(FIXED
95 		$(ISSUE 27): Flush stdout when requesting input.
96 		[$(LINK2 https://github.com/JesseKPhillips, Jesse Phillips)]
97 	)
98 	$(FIXED
99 		$(LINK2 https://github.com/Abscissa/scriptlike/blob/master/USAGE.md#in-a-plain-script, Plain script)
100 		example fails on DUB 0.9.25 (due to a change in dub's package cache directory structure).
101 	)
102 	$(FIXED
103 		Testing any pull request on
104 		$(LINK2 https://travis-ci.org/Abscissa/scriptlike/, Travis-CI)
105 		fails.
106 	)
107 	$(FIXED
108 		Unittests fail to build on DMD 2.071.
109 	)
110 )
112 $(H2 v0.9.4 - 2015/09/22)
114 $(UL
115 	$(FIXED
116 		Previous release broke the `unittest` script when `dub test` support was added.
117 	)
118 	$(FIXED
119 		In echo mode, several functions would echo the wrong "try*" or
120 		non-"try*" version. Ex: $(API_PROCESS run) echoed $(API_PROCESS tryRun),
121 		and $(API_FILE_EXTR tryRename) echoed $(API_FILE_WRAP rename).
122 	)
123 	$(FIXED
124 		$(API_PATH_EXTR Path) and $(API_PATH_EXTR buildNormalizedPathFixed) now
125 		convert back/forward slashes to native on BOTH Windows and Posix, not
126 		just on Windows.
127 	)
128 	$(FIXED
129 		Some links within changelog and API reference were pointing to the
130 		reference docs for Scriptlike's latest version, instead of staying
131 		within the same documentation version. This made 
132 		$(LINK2 http://semitwist.com/scriptlike-docs/, archived docs for previous versions)
133 		difficult to navigate.
134 	)
135 	$(ENHANCE
136 		$(ISSUE 17),$(ISSUE 20): Added usage examples to readme.
137 	)
138 	$(ENHANCE
139 		Add $(API_CORE interp) for interpolated strings:$(BR)
140 		`string s = mixin( interp!"Value is ${variableOrExpression}" )`
141 	)
142 	$(ENHANCE
143 		Add $(API_FILE_EXTR removePath)/$(API_FILE_EXTR tryRemovePath) for
144 		deleting a path regardless of whether it's a file or directory. (Calls
145 		$(API_FILE_WRAP remove) for files and $(API_FILE_WRAP rmdirRecurse) for
146 		directories.)
147 	)
148 	$(ENHANCE
149 		Add a Path-accepting overload of $(API_PATH_EXTR escapeShellArg) for
150 		the sake of generic code.
151 	)
152 	$(ENHANCE
153 		When $(API_PROCESS runCollect) throws, the $(API_PROCESS ErrorLevelException)
154 		now includes and displays the command's output (otherwise there'd be no
155 		way to inspect the command's output for diagnostic purposes).
156 	)
157 	$(ENHANCE
158 		Greatly extended and improved set of tests.
159 	)
160 )
162 $(H2 v0.9.3 - 2015/08/19)
164 $(UL
165 	$(FIXED
166 		$(ISSUE 16): Access to standard Phobos function hampered.
167 	)
168 	$(ENHANCE
169 		Support running unittests through DUB: `dub test`
170 	)
171 	$(ENHANCE
172 		Uses $(LINK2 https://travis-ci.org, travis-ci.org) for continuous integration testing.
173 	)
174 )
176 $(H2 v0.9.2 - 2015/07/10)
178 $(UL
179 	$(FIXED
180 		Properly flush all command echoing output
181 		(ie, in $(API_CORE yap) and $(API_CORE yapFunc)).
182 	)
183 	$(ENHANCE
184 		Add a "no-build" configuration for projects that need to import/depend
185 		on Scriptlike through DUB, but use their own buildsystem.
186 	)
187 )
189 $(H2 v0.9.1 - 2015/06/28)
191 $(UL
192 	$(FIXED Fails to compile unless the `makedocs` script has been run.)
193 )
195 $(H2 v0.9.0 - 2015/06/27)
197 $(UL
198 	$(CHANGE Split $(MODULE_FILE) and $(MODULE_PATH) into the following:$(BR)
199 		$(UL
200 			$(LI $(MODULE_CORE) )
201 			$(LI $(MODULE_FILE_EXTR) )
202 			$(LI $(MODULE_FILE_WRAP) )
203 			$(LI $(MODULE_PATH_EXTR) )
204 			$(LI $(MODULE_PATH_WRAP) )
205 		)
206 		Utilizes `package.d` to retain ability to import $(MODULE_FILE) and $(MODULE_PATH).
207 	)
208 	$(CHANGE Convert changelog from markdown to $(DDOX) so links are more readable. )
209 	$(ENHANCE Add (opt-in) command echoing to most functions in $(MODULE_FILE). )
210 	$(ENHANCE
211 		Add $(API_CORE yap) and $(API_CORE yapFunc) as improved versions
212 		of to-be-deprecated $(API_CORE echoCommand).
213 	)
214 	$(FIXED Make $(API_PATH_EXTR escapeShellArg) const-correct. )
215 	$(FIXED
216 		Make $(API_PATH_EXTR Path.toRawString) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext.toRawString)
217 		both be `pure @safe nothrow`.
218 	)
219 )
221 $(H2 v0.8.1 - 2015/06/22)
223 $(UL
224 	$(ENHANCE
225 		New overload for $(API_INTERACT userInput) to allow type inference:$(BR)
226 		`void userInput(T=string)(string question, ref T result);`
227 		(suggestion from
228 		$(LINK2 http://forum.dlang.org/post/povoxkcogcmbvhwlxqbc@forum.dlang.org, Per Nordlöw)).
229 	)
230 )
232 $(H2 v0.8.0 - 2015/06/13)
234 $(UL
235 	$(CHANGE
236 		Minimum officially supported $(DMD) increased from v2.064.2 to v2.066.0.
237 		Versions below v2.066.0 may still work, but there will now be certain
238 		problems when dealing with paths that contain spaces, particularly
239 		on Windows.
240 	)
241 	$(CHANGE
242 		Removed unnecessary non-$(API_PATH_EXTR Path) wrappers around $(MODULE_STD_FILE)/$(MODULE_STD_PATH).
243 		Things not wrapped (like $(STD_PATH dirSeparator) and $(STD_FILE SpanMode))
244 		are now selective public imports instead of aliases. These changes should
245 		reduce issues with symbol conflicts.
246 	)
247 	$(CHANGE
248 		$(LINK2 http://semitwist.com/scriptlike/, API reference) now built
249 		using $(DDOX) and uses much improved styling (actually uses a stylesheet now).
250 	)
251 	$(CHANGE
252 		Eliminate remnants of the "planned but never enabled" wstring/dstring
253 		versions of $(API_PATH_EXTR Path)/$(API_PATH_EXTR Ext)/$(API_PROCESS Args). There
254 		turned out not to be much need for them, and even $(MODULE_STD_FILE)
255 		doesn't support wstring/dstring either.
256 	)
257 	$(CHANGE Put output binaries in "bin" subdirectory, instead of Scriptlike's root. )
258 	$(ENHANCE
259 		Add module scriptlike.only to import all of scriptlike, but omit the
260 		helper Phobos imports in scriptlike.std.
261 	)
262 	$(ENHANCE
263 		$(API_FAIL fail) now accepts an arbitrary list of args of any type,
264 		just like $(STD_STDIO writeln),
265 	)
266 	$(ENHANCE
267 		Added $(API_FAIL failEnforce), like Phobos's $(STD_EXCEPTION enforce),
268 		but for $(API_FAIL fail).
269 	)
270 	$(ENHANCE
271 		Added $(API_PROCESS runCollect) and $(API_PROCESS tryRunCollect), to
272 		capture a command's output instead of displaying it.
273 	)
274 	$(ENHANCE Added $(API_INTERACT pause) to pause and prompt the user to press Enter. )
275 	$(ENHANCE $(API_CORE echoCommand) is no longer private. )
276 	$(ENHANCE
277 		Added $(API_PATH_EXTR Path)-based wrappers for $(MODULE_STD_FILE)'s 
278 		$(STD_FILE getcwd), $(STD_FILE thisExePath) and $(STD_FILE tempDir).
279 	)
280 	$(FIXED No longer uses Phobos's deprecated $(STD_PROCESS system) function.)
281 )
283 $(H2 v0.7.0 - 2015/04/02)
285 $(UL
286 	$(ENHANCE
287 		$(ISSUE 14): Added scriptlike.interact module for easy user-input prompts.
288 		[$(LINK2 https://github.com/JesseKPhillips, Jesse Phillips)]
289 	)
290 	$(FIXED Unittest compile failure on $(DMD) v2.067.0. )
291 )
293 $(H2 v0.6.0 - 2014/02/16)
295 $(UL
296 	$(CHANGE
297 		$(API_PATH_EXTR Path) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext) are now aliases for the UTF-8
298 		instantiations, and the template structs are now named `PathT` and `ExtT`.
299 	)
300 	$(CHANGE
301 		Removed `path()` and `ext()` helper functions to free up useful names
302 		from the namespace, since they are no longer needed. Use `Path()` and
303 		`Ext()` instead.
304 	)
305 	$(CHANGE
306 		Internally split into separate modules, but uses `package.d` to
307 		preserve `import scriptlike;`.
308 	)
309 	$(CHANGE Rename `escapeShellPath` -> $(API_PATH_EXTR escapeShellArg). )
310 	$(CHANGE
311 		Rename $(API_PROCESS runShell) -> $(API_PROCESS tryRun). Temporarily keep
312 		$(API_PROCESS runShell) as an alias.
313 	)
314 	$(CHANGE
315 		Rename $(API_CORE scriptlikeTraceCommands) -> $(API_CORE scriptlikeEcho).
316 		Temporarily keep $(API_CORE scriptlikeTraceCommands) as an alias.
317 	)
318 	$(ENHANCE Added scripts to run unittests and build API docs. )
319 	$(ENHANCE
320 		Added $(API_PATH_EXTR Path.opCast) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext.opCast) for
321 		converting to bool.
322 	)
323 	$(ENHANCE
324 		$(API_FAIL fail) no longer requires any boilerplate in `main()`.
325 		($(LINK2 http://forum.dlang.org/thread/ldc6qt$(DOLLAR)22tv$(DOLLAR)1@digitalmars.com, Newsgroup link))
326 	)
327 	$(ENHANCE
328 		Added $(API_PROCESS run) to run a shell command like $(API_PROCESS tryRun),
329 		but automatically throw if the process returns a non-zero error level.
330 	)
331 	$(ENHANCE $(ISSUE 2): Optional callback sink for command echoing: $(API_CORE scriptlikeCustomEcho). )
332 	$(ENHANCE $(ISSUE 8): Dry run support via bool $(API_CORE scriptlikeDryRun). )
333 	$(ENHANCE
334 		$(ISSUE 13): Added `ArgsT` (and $(API_PROCESS Args) helper alias)
335 		to safely build command strings from parts.
336 	)
337 	$(ENHANCE Added this changelog. )
338 	$(FIXED
339 		$(API_PATH_EXTR Path)(null) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext)(null) were automatically
340 		changed to empty string.
341 	)
342 	$(FIXED $(ISSUE 10): Docs should include all OS-specific functions. )
343 )
345 $(H2 v0.5.0 - 2014/02/11)
347 $(UL
348 	$(LI Initial release. )
349 )
351 Copyright:
352 Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Nick Sabalausky.
353 Portions Copyright (C) 2010 Jesse Phillips.
355 License: zlib/libpng
356 Authors: Nick Sabalausky, Jesse Phillips
357 +/
358 module changelog;